Tuesday, December 30, 2014

From Brush to Blooms

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France

The bliss of flower farming is having the opportunity to accomplish great things!  Yes, farming requires a dream, planning, hard work and a big leap of faith but in the end it is possible to do the unimaginable.  With those thoughts in mind, this weekend I ventured out into one of the newer flower fields to seeing how our dream was unfolding.

In 2012, we purchased several acres of land on a very steep hillside completely covered in brush.  At this stage in the game you have to have a wonderful imagination with so many bushes to remove, loads of trash to cleanup, tons of bugs, snakes and animals to evict and roads to grade.

What was once only brush is now full of blooms!  Here's just a glimpse of the treasures I discovered.

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