Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cornucopia: A Symbol of the Harvest

Chances are you’ve seen a cornucopia before—you know, one of these horn-shaped baskets that appears everywhere during the harvest season. It’s possible, as you read this, you might even be planning to create one for your Thanksgiving gathering. A lovely, eye-catching display using your favorite flowers, foliage, fruit, cones and pods for your friends and family to enjoy. After all, Thanksgiving and cornucopias go together like turkey and stuffing or mashed potatoes and gravy. They all pair perfectly.

Thanksgiving has always been epic to harvest time, and it's always taken place in the autumn… so it's natural that the holiday would include the cornucopia, which traditionally represents all of those things. Beyond that premise though, at what time the cornucopia made its way into our country's consciousness as a Thanksgiving symbol is difficult to say. But with its meaning of abundance, prosperity and good fortune, the horn of plenty now embodies Americans’ thoughts of thankfulness. Whether referred to as a cornucopia or horn of plenty… the meaning of this ancient symbol still resonates today.

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