These distinctive looking spring flowers - born as a dense cones with the blooms spiraling from and surrounding the central cone, look petite pinwheels. Similar to many Proteas, Isopogon flower heads are made up of many flowers in shades of purple, yellow and cream that open from the outside in. Its stems are woody and leaves are green, pointed and encircle the flowers at their base.
What to look for
• Buy when the outer flowers in each flower head are opening.
• Avoid bunches with brown tips on the flowers and with yellow leaves.
Flower Care
1. Keep cool.2. Strip leaves from the bottom half of each stem.
3. Re-cut at least 1/4” off each stem and place in cold water.
4. Use a preservative as this will help keep open flowers looking fresh.
5. Replace water frequently.
Wow! Those are cool!