Friday, August 30, 2024

How to Grow and Care for Proteas

Did you know California is one of five Mediterranean-climate regions on the earth where proteas are grown? It’s true! And autumn tends to be the ideal planting time as plants gain maximum sun exposure without it being too hot. Here are few growing tips to get your fall planting started.

  • More sun means more flowers, so be sure to plant them in a sunny location where the air flows freely around the plant. 
  • Raised beds and sunny slopes are best as water runoff decreases drainage problems. 
  • Proteas flourish in sandy, acidic, well-drained and rocky soils. 
  • Dig a hole twice the size of the pot the plant came in. Be sure to break up the soil that is removed from the hole to soften its texture. 
  • Never disturb the soil around the roots. 
  • Water deeply once a week for the first two years after planting.
  • Apply mulch like bark or wood chips around the plant (a slight distance from the stem) as it helps control weed growth and keeps the soil cool. 
  • Fertilizers are not necessary as proteas grow naturally in very nutrient-poor soils.

Wondering how to prune your protea plants to keep them happy and ensure a bountiful harvest once they’re established? First, be sure to pick the flowers as it’s the best way to keep plants neat and compact. Remove the blooms with a good length of stem, leaving new growth behind. To encourage bushy growth… prune only the flowered stems as the un-flowered stems are next season’s blooms.

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